  • بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

    Amira Nur Liyana.
    “Better to be strong than pretty and useless.”


So down

So 2 days i didnt update my blog isn't it? Busy helping my mother yelah dah 3 weeks tak jejak dapur jejak pun untuk makan so after trial over kembali lah jadi PEREMPUAN MELAYU TERAKHIR. muahahahahaha. Hamba stress sebenarnya my forehead pun rasa mcm pimples mula membiak :'( oh nooooo. If someone ask me how was your day today? I will definitely say it so terrible. Dapat paper bio and english both if them paper 1. Bio even half aku still tak puas hati cause silly mistake kot! and english as usual lah, paling lowest. Apa hamba nak buat ni :( like seriously i felt so down and my self motivation pun kecundang T_T aku nk give up tapi how abt my future my parents wills. Haaa why must me? why....