  • بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

    Amira Nur Liyana.
    “Better to be strong than pretty and useless.”



Hmm, bukan buah apple tau. Brand apple yang sesungguhnya racist lagi mengada dan maha expensive. It happened a few days before. I think this Monday kot, suddenly it's unrechargeable. I've try to connect with other head plug and connect it to the computer or laptop unfortunately it still the same. 😭 so what can i do unless buy another one. It's RM 75 man!!!!!! RM 75 kalau pergi SBU tu boleh shopping 2 or 3 tudung kot. Baju boleh beli sepasang dengan kain. Nak beli pun fikir 10 kali sampai stress and telan air juga lah nak membayornya. Hmm, what can i do rezeki Allah nak beri cegini. I really desperate for charger so i still need to buy it soon or sooner right. Sedih duit burn just like that 💸💸💸 

Mohon hang bertahan lebih dari 3 tahun kalau amoi tu cakap dia punya 3 tahun bertahan aku harap kau bertahan selama lamanya. Kalau tak, 10 keturunan aku sumpah hang sekeluarga. Mohon ye mohon. And to my lovely self please take a good care of it. Dont simply pull it haihh. 

Elok lagi basically tak nazak pun lagi. Tapi nak buat mcm mana kalau Allah dah nak tamatkan riwayat dia sampai sini je. Hmm  i will always love you ❤️ *tipu je sebab hang makan duit aku belambak gila